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Preliminary Competition, Season 10 FILCAN IDOL 2014

todayOctober 27, 2014 259

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123 147 148 154Thanks to wonderful and inspiring comments and suggestions from the 3 awesome judges of Season 10 FILCAN IDOL 2014, Ms. Anna Bond, Ms Neva Lyn Kew and Mr. Oscar Ortega from McGill University of Montreal .here @Lavoie Auditorium,Cote Des Niege today. The Filipino Canada Trade and Commerce of Quebec, Inc headed by Ms. Grace Yip, successfully did their preliminary competition.The event was actively participated by the winners of past FILCAN Idol specially the last year season like Mark Sibulan and the Grand Champion Gabrielle Osaigbovo who rendered the opening prayer song. Parents of the children and youth who fully supported the contestants and officers from different community organizations like Ms. Josefa NIcolas of FFCAQ to name a few contributed to the success of today’s search for new talent. Watch out for the Final Competition this Coming Nov. 30, 2014.
by: Lady Explorer


Written by: DJ Yuwie

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Conversation with the Concordia University Journalism students

Having great conversation with the Concordia University Journalism students after the interview here at the radio station of Canadian Pinoy Radio-Montreal. Thanks to Ms. Amie Watson, Ms. Johanna Pellus, Mr. Daniel Buchanan and Ms.Karen Massey(not in Picture) Thank you for those great questions you fired on us today. The session was really fun. Hope we did give you all the informations you wanted. photo from video screen shot.

todayOctober 27, 2014 38

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