Québec, May 8, 2014 – In 2013, Québec’s museums welcomed 14.2 million visitors, a record high since the beginning of the compilation of statistics on this subject there 10 years. Previous attendance records were recorded in 2012 (13.3 million visitors) and 2010 (12.8 million). These results come from a survey conducted since 2003 by the Centre for Culture and Communication of Quebec Institute of Statistics of Quebec.
Six types of museums are studied by the Centre in its annual survey: 1) museums of history, ethnology and archeology, 2) science museums, 3) art museums, 4) interpretation sites in history, ethnology and archeology, 5) places science interpretation and 6) exhibition centers. In 2013, among these different types of institutions, the categories “science museums” (610,000 + visitors) and “art museums” (300,000 + visitors) who recorded the strongest deviations from the attendance average of the last five years.
Moreover, as regards the administrative regions, the greatest deviations from the average attendance the past five years are observed in the island of Montreal (+20% in 2013) and the Centre-du-Québec (+22 %).
Attendance continues
Attendance at museums by school groups in 2013 is 1,019,000 visitors, which is only slightly lower (- 1%) the average attendance over the past five years. The relative importance of the student population compared to the general clientele varies from one type to another museum. For example, the student population accounts for 14% of the attendance intramural interpretation sites in science, compared to 5% in science museums, and 7% in art museums.
These data come from the publication Optical Culture No. 32 that can be found on the website of the Institut de la statistique du Québec.
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- Christine Routhier
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source: http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/
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