QUEBEC CITY, April 29, 2014 / CNW Telbec / – A new tool is now available to assist in the search for missing persons with cognitive problems. Through consultation diverse backgrounds, those police sectors, health, accommodation and caregivers, this prevention tool may be used to help locate seniors who are missing their environment and have memory loss, among other things, to prevent the serious consequences that can result in their disappearance. The Agency for Health and Social Services of the National Capital, and the Police Department of the City of Quebec (SPVQ) and health centers and social services centers (CSSS) de la Vieille-Capitale Quebec North thus unite to launch this new tool.
The various hosting environments, especially private residences with services for the elderly, as well as relatives who live with people with Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive disorders, sometimes find themselves at the fact that these people leave their homes without warning, and lost on the way, where are heading to a place that is familiar, but where it is difficult to find them easily. Recent years have shown that in 50% of cases, missing persons were found in places that were familiar and in 90% of cases, they were less than 2 km from their place of origin. In addition, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, is one of 11 seniors. For the Capitale-Nationale, so it’s nearly 15 000 people are affected. “It became essential to develop a similar tool, since we had enough data to standardize everything. Partnerships with various sectors were essential to achieve this, we are proud of, “said André Turcotte, captain SPVQ.
The tool and its benefits
The tool developed by SPVQ, in collaboration with the network of health and social services in the Capitale-Nationale tool called Profile. It is readily available, easy to perform, effective during the operation, flexible in dealing with situations and various cognitive diseases. Innovative, there is only one other place in Québec, and will be offered to other municipalities. It allows users to make a register internal to have updated information about the person, to avoid delays and confusion at a loss, and ensures sustained collaboration between users of the tool and the SPVQ. In other words, the tool used to quickly put police on the trail of the missing person. More police act quickly to research, the more chances of success of finding the person increases. In winter, for example, the time saved can make all the difference. “We believe that residence, when relatives are not present, it can be hard to have a helping sheet completed for residents who are vulnerable to this kind of event. We are leading partners to ensure that such situations do arise, and we look forward to working with SPVQ and all partners to prevent and ensure the safety of seniors with cognitive problems, “concluded Ms. Céline Allard , spokesman for the CSSS de la Vieille-Capitale, after the press conference. The population was around her loved one who is cognitively impaired is available Profile Tool at the following address: / Police or in one of the four police stations in the district in Quebec.The CSSS of the Québec City metropolitan region also have copies of the tool.
within the network of health and social services, the stakeholders are also very pleased with the arrival of this tool.Owners or managers of retirement homes are sometimes faced with very difficult situations humanely, and the primary objective is to avoid the worst and preserve the health of the resident. “We see situations where a person goes, and where we find many hours later, with all the stress and anxiety of relatives who anticipate the worst. We are pleased today to be a partner in policing and to ally ourselves to protect our seniors, “said Ms. Clemence Boucher, Executive Director of the Centre d’hébergement St-Jean-Eudes.
Source: |
René Bouchard |
Communications – Part public relations and media relations |
Agency for Health and Social Services of the National Capital |
418 525-1452 |
Information: |
Catherine Viel |
Police in Quebec City |
418 641-6316 |
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