
Gingoog City school passes regional SBM-PASBE, prepares for national level validation

todayJuly 8, 2014 768

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Gingoog City school passes regional SBM-PASBE, prepares for national level validation

GINGOOG CITY, Philippines (July 8, 2014) — An elementary school, here which was visited by an Education Secretary around two decades ago and with awe on its beauty and lush green vegetation declared the former as School Inside the Garden (SIGA), has made a new stride today to regain its fame.

The Alfonso Ang Militante Elementary School (AAMES) of Barangay 26 (Cahulogan), here which bears the name of a former Gingoog City Vice Mayor’s grandfather who donated the lot for the establishment of the school around 48 years ago, passed the Level 3 Regional School-Based Management – Philippine Accreditation System for Basic Education (SBM-PASBE) on July 2, 2014.

The regional validators were so impressed and could hardly believe on the efforts, intelligence, energy, unity and laudable hospitality showed by the concerned school administrator, mentors, pupils, barangay government officials and the people in the community who are earnestly called “stakeholders.”

“I think, this is what we want…she is the best product of SBM, so we don’t need to validate for more because there she is … excellent!” said Dr. Marino Dal, Regional Supervisor II in Alternative Learning System (ALS) of the Department of Education (DepED), Region 10 based in Cagayan de Oro City, who was so impressed and amazed by the performance of Camelle Mortejo, a Pupil Master of Ceremony (MC) who was finely trained by a seasoned Adviser of Grade III – Camia. Mortejo is a Grade VI Pupil and President of Student Government Council (SGC) of AAMES.

The flow of event commenced with an Invocation by the select AAMES pupils, National Anthem, Region X March and Gingoog Hymn with Rosette Beralde, conducting. Brgy. Captain Dolly Arot did the Welcome Address, Opening Remarks by Principal II Vernal Patindol, and then the message delivered by Dr. Dal.

The Regional Supervisor commented further on the MC relating that in his elementary years, he had not done what the host had performed her role. At the same time, he was also impressed by the physical facilities of the school including the valuable support from the stakeholders.

Dal also praised the excellent performance of different speakers that introduced each of the Principles like James
Carl Nino Lagumbay, Fatima Bulanon, Dara Queen Arot and Godwill Dearl Bagaporo.

Then everybody were pleased with awe by Grade II-Gumamela Pupil Gianne Luminae Disree Bagaporo with her angelic voice, singing “God Will Lead Our Way“as an Intermission number. It was followed by Closing Remarks by General Parents Teachers and Community Association (PTCA) President Rufino Fabre.

The part II of the event was the 10-minute Power Point presentation done by Principal II Verna Patindol which showed the whole overview of the school’s performance of SBM implementation.

SBM is the decentralization of levels of authority to the school level which means that the responsibility and decision-making over the school operation are transferred to the principal, teachers, parents and sometimes students and other school community members or the stakeholders.

Education Supervisor Mario Jadman Endrina, Div. SBM Coordinator who made a thorough supervision of SBM implementation in AAMES, is instrumental in this overall success of the school, thus worthy of commendation for a job well done.

The part III was the actual SBM-PASBE Validation by principles with stakeholders. The Principle I was at the Principal’s office, Principle II at Mrs. Grace Mortejo’s room, Principle III at Mrs. Margarita Fernandez’s room and Principle IV at Mrs. Rosette Beralde’s room.

The last part was the Exit Conference where the overall result of the validation was known. Dr. Dal gave the verdict or the final overall rating which is 2.45 that means maturing or well within the passing bracket for the level 4 national validation. Then, he congratulated everyone for the feat which elated the stakeholders to show faces of gladness whilst hugging such an unprecedented success.

Instrumentals to this great achievement are the administrator and mentors of AAMES which include Principal II Verna Patindol and Teachers Genivy Guno and Elsa Tagud of Pre-School, Waldo Barro and Brenda Ballozos of Grade I, Rosette Beralde, Margarita Fernandez and Sally Librando of Grade II, Aida Encenzo, Marygrace Mortejo and Diseree Bagaporo of Grade III, Dennis Abecia and Cesenia Agbong of Grade IV, Jenea Cabriole and Ruth Daya of Grade V, Anastacia Eniego and Roy Gundaya of Grade VI and Subject Teacher Nerefil Luberas.

So, the AAMES will prepare for the last and highest validation in the national level which will probably take place a few years after this event.

In his final words, SBM President Raymund Bulanon, a Barangay Councilor and Chairman of the Committee on Education, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who in one way or another have worked hand-in-hand for the success of the event. (LOR VILLA ENCENZO)

Written by: nenette

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