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Amazing Life in Montreal

todayJune 8, 2014 11

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What makes life so beautiful is what and how you do it to make it amazing and wonderful. Just like this Wonderful Brave Azalea flower , let alone by her owner grow freely on the front yard along the road where i pass every morning and afternoon. It bravely stand every daily test she encountered with faith from the Giver of her life. Courage. patience. simplicity, and all the virtues the planter endowed to her was used to defeat all the intruders in her daily lives.

Like this scrutinizing dog passers who tried to check every branch and leaves she had ,sometimes even pee on her , these jolly and playful squirrel who runs over her fragile sprout to catch the falling nuts from the nearby pine tree, the friendly turtle bugs that greeted her as she gracefully pass by to enjoy the short spring sunshine and the amazing hum and whispers of bumble bees and butterflies that kiss her and help her out of her pollens to share to others the great perfume smell, the least she could offer to ease the tiring day of every breathing creature that comes her territory. Not to mention what winter snow and breezy fall temperature killing all the small branches and leaves beautifully showed to everyone during spring and summer.

Every year added to her life she surpass makes every branches so hard to defeat every battle that comes her way. Today, is a great day as she had proudly stand in front along the road with this beautiful color and fragile full of charm petals, artfully curve to make you smile and feel the overflowing beauty she had experienced itself . Hard and steady branch is an evidence of great fight defeated and every time given the opportunity to show-off every beauty possessed to make you smile and brings inspiration to one’s day is a great success. Fulfilling one simple meaning of life. Live and let live!

What a wonderful and amazing summer here in Montreal 2014.

Written by: DJ Lady Explorer

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