Russell Copeman

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Press Release

Gender equality

  Canada's currency should reflect the contributions of women to our society Montreal, August 11, 2015 - Marvin Rotrand, Councillor Snowdon, intends to file a motion in favor of greater representation of women in Canadian currency at the City Council meeting scheduled for 17 August. Mr. Rotrand is supported by several Montreal elected officials, including Ms. Manon Barbe, Mayor of the Borough of Lasalle, Claude Dauphin, borough mayor of Lachine, […]

todayAugust 11, 2015 17


Manuel Baldemor art exhibit in Montreal 2015

Today, (June 11, 2015, 6:00pm at Intercultural Center, 6767 Cote Des Neiges, Montreal, Quebec), Finissage of "Images of the Homeland" 2015 Art Exhibit of Manuel Baldemor in Montreal was a success. Everybody who attended the last day of exhibit showed happy faces as they saw the paintings of Mr. Baldemor. Truly the Filipinos are happy and friendly people. Administrators from the Philippine Embassy in the leadership of Ambassador Petronila P. […]

todayJune 12, 2015 304 1


Bill 44 be extended to include playgrounds, sports fields and public beaches

Motion of support to Bill No. 44 and proposed amendments Whereas motions were adopted by the Borough of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and the Montreal City Council to ask the Quebec government to submit the electronic cigarette to the same restrictions as those imposed on tobacco products, to revise the Tobacco Act to broaden the definition of public places and to adopt measures to prevent smoking among young people; Whereas it has been […]

todayJune 3, 2015 9

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